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Welcome to the world of Responsive Networks where 6G helped to create an infrastructure that reacts to sudden disruptions (flood/snow/traffic) around you. 

6G has the potential to revolutionise the way we collect and process environmental data, drastically decreasing the time necessary to assess changes in the territory and reach out to people in danger .

Here, we show the adaptations to increasing extreme weather conditions and how connected mobility elements (traffic lights, billboards, navigation systems, etc) could use 6G’s capabilities and drive people/traffic away from areas that are unsafe in real-time.

Technology is going to help reduce vital decision-making time and optimise the way emergency situations are handled. The system is constantly measuring personal risks, such as social risk, geographical risk, disaster risk, traffic congestion, etc. With this data, the system can clearly provide every citizen with a unique plan of action.

6G antennas could sense the environment similarly to how radars detect objects' presence and determine type, shape, relative location and velocity; coupling this data with imagery from cameras and other sensors could enable a large-scale, real-time digital instance of the territory.  6G-connected public infrastructures, personal devices, and granular public data sources will be able to measure parameters such as social vulnerability, disaster probability, temperature, traffic levels, and live images and therefore respond to traffic congestion, damaged roads, fires, or accidents. 

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Komaba Office

Kashiwa Office

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