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未来のモビリティ • Future Mobility


街に人も戻り、また通勤を始めた方も少なくないでしょう。公共交通機関もほとんど以前と変わらずに動いていますが、こんなときふと、もしタクシーやバスの自動運転化が進んでいたら、世の中はどうなっていたのだろう?と想像します。窓を開けて換気してくれたり、乗客とコミュニケーションを取ってくれたりする存在がいなかったら? そんな少し未来を想像するプロジェクトが、DLXではいま進行中です。今回は、モビリティに関するプロジェクトのいまの進捗状況を共有します。

Future Mobility

Recently people are gradually returning to normal life, some of you might have already begun to commute again. Public transport seems to operate just like it used to before the pandemic, which makes us wonder how the world might have been if all taxis and buses were already running autonomously. No one to open the windows for ventilation; no one to communicate with the passengers. At DLX, we have a project running that imagines such a future and that is the main topic for this newsletter.






UTmobI - A leader in mobility research

There is a shuttle bus running at the Kashiwa Campus of The University of Tokyo, the bus connects Kashiwanoha-campus Station and the university campus. While people use it just like any other public transport, it is actually a research project carried out by the Mobility Innovation Collaborative Research Organization, The University of Tokyo (UTmobI). Some of those buses are already running autonomously.

UTmobI is a research group focused on transportation from different groups and departments across The University of Tokyo. The group includes researchers from mechanical engineering, information and communication technology, traffic engineering and many more, all working together to solve issues such as autonomous driving or human machine interfaces (HMI) for transportation challenges of the future.

Good HMI allows for a more intuitive relationship between humans and machines. Although ease-of-use is very important in designing HMI, it is also crucial to create a sense of safety and trust for humans towards the machines. With such an objective in mind, DLX started to collaborate with UTmobI this January. When DLX starts collaboration with another lab, we first carry out something called “Treasure Hunting”; a process in which we visit the lab and discuss with researchers to explore the topics and technologies within their field that might be interesting to integrate within a design project. For this mobility project, to work together even more closely, we have renamed the process “Deep Treasure Hunting”, and we have been repeating our discussions with researchers to this day.


DLX Design Labのデザイナー・プロジェクトマネージャーであり、今回のプロジェクトにニューヨークから参加しているCharlotte Furet は「初めてUTmobIのチームと話をしたときは、やはり車体の外観のデザインに関わるのだと思われていました。でも、私たちが取り組もうとしていたのは、もっと大きな枠組み。モビリティの研究のビジョンやストーリー、ユーザー体験などをデザインのプロとして、どのようにもたらすことができるかを示したかったんです」と振り返ります。

UTmobIの研究者たちとDLXのメンバーに加え、1月にはイスラエルからベツァルエル美術デザイン学院のチームを招いて「Mobility Nano Lab」と題したワークショップも開催しました。インダストリアルデザイン修士(MDes)プログラムのヘッドであるRomi Mikulinsky氏とシニア講師であるRonel Mor氏とともに、3人の学生メンバーがイスラエルから来日。1週間という短期間ではありましたが、さまざまなアイデアが飛び交いました。



To design a car

Charlotte Furet, DLX Design Lab Designer & Project Manager who is joining from New York, looks back at how the project started; “In our first dialogue with UTmobI, they thought we would be working on the design of the exterior body of the vehicle. However, we wanted to work on a wider scale - as professionals in design, we wanted to show how designers can contribute with research visions, storytelling, user experience design.” In January, we hosted the workshop “Mobility NanoLab”, with participants from UTmobI and DLX, as well as a guest team from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Israel. Romi Mikulinsky, Head of the Master of Design (MDes) program in Industrial Design and Ronel Mor, a senior lecturer, along with three students, joined us from Israel. Although the duration of the workshop was only a week, a vast range of ideas were created.

After the workshop, Romi reflects, “This project is a cross-cultural attempt, with members from multiple backgrounds coming together to imagine the future of mobility. It enabled us to think beyond languages and in more intuitive ways. What we, as Israelis, are surprised to see in Japan, is the respect and order kept in every part of the society. For example, when you go to stations and airports, you find the staff bowing to trains and planes. Wherever you go, people always lineup in the queue. Even in the most crowded spaces, there is a consideration towards personal space. These are significantly different compared to Israel.”

In the workshop, we used the methodology of creative brainstorming. “We quickly sketch, and regardless of whether the idea is good or bad, we continuously draw out ideas until we have nearly a hundred sheets of paper, and hang them on the walls. This process is interesting in how it diversifies one idea to hundreds of new ideas.” Ronel said.




Driving isn't just about driving The idea that came together in the week-long workshop centred around the communication aspect of when buses become self-driving and no longer have any drivers on it. The role of drivers currently is not limited to driving. They communicate with passengers as they come and go, look out for pedestrians and cyclists, and take on many other tasks at hand. How should we design a human interface with the absence of such a person?

What we focused on the most was the small snippets of communication exchanged between the driver and the passenger. For example, the act of paying the fee, nodding to the driver, makes us aware that we are using public transport. How might we bring that kind of interaction and feeling to driverless buses?

ポールの変形する様子 the transformation of the pole



または、ポールを握ると、物理的に変形して挨拶のように返してくれるアイデアもありました。 ワークショップの提案について話しているとき、Romi氏はこう付け加えました。「今回のアイデアは、コロナ問題より前に出たものでした。だから、どうやったら人が一緒にいることを感じられるか?について深く考えていたことを覚えています。しかし、もしこれが 1ヶ月遅れてスタートしていたら、同じ提案になったかはわかりません。突然のように変化が来ることが印象的です」。

現在もUTmobIの研究グループと、DLX Design Labのメンバー、そしてベツァルエルのメンバーたちは、定期的にミーティングを重ねています。今回のCOVID-19の問題も受けて、人と人との距離感への考え方も少しずつ変わってきていますが、それはモビリティの空間でも同じです。

Talking with the bus

The ideas generated in the workshop were around the concept of creating physical interactions between the bus and its users. For example, by transforming the floor of the vehicle when the passenger boards or leaves, it might express a welcoming or reluctant mood.

Another idea suggested the vehicle to respond by physically transforming to greet when the passenger holds a pole.

While discussing the workshop proposal, Romi added “The workshop took place before the outbreak of COVID-19, so I remember the team focusing on how people can be together. It is astonishing to think about how the ideas would have been, had the workshop took place a month later.”

The research group from UTmobI, members of DLX Design Lab, and members of Bezalel Academy are having regular meetings to continue their collaboration. While COVID-19 has changed how society thinks about people-to-people distance, we can say the same for spaces inside public transport vehicles.

“When you're creating something new, design plays a large role. We're thinking about mobility design in a broad sense. We see keywords like “post-corona” and “with-corona” coming up. However, as much as we should be responding and solving these issues, we'd also like to continue our brainstorming, and propose something truly new and meaningful.” explains Professor Yoshihiro Suda of IIS, who is also a representative of UTmobI.

The collaboration between DLX and UTmobI is a relationship beyond IIS. Professor Niino Toshiki, Deputy Director of the Design-Led X Platform, also expresses his expectation for the project.

“UTmobI's research resources are truly a treasure. While a typical notion of mobility design sounds steady and sometimes inflexible, with DLX, there is always a creative jump. While we have a DLX base in Kashiwa II Campus as well, since Kashiwa campus covers a diverse range of research fields, we would like to welcome new collaborations too.”

Many activities have been paused due to COVID-19, but recently university research is beginning to restart, and our research on the future of mobility is gearing up once again albeit under our ‘new normal’ conditions. We look forward to discussing further with you.


DLXとUTmobIという、生産技術研究所を飛び越えた組織のコラボレーション。価値創造デザイン推進基盤・副基盤長の新野俊樹教授も、今回のプロジェクトについて期待を寄せています。 「UTmobIの研究資源はまさに宝物ですが、これまでのモビリティでデザインというと、やや堅実な感じがしますよね。でもDLXのデザインの思考方法は、いつもちょっと飛んだアイデアを生み出します。柏ⅡキャンパスにもDLXの拠点はありますが、さまざまな組織が集まったキャンパスなので、新しい方々とのコラボレーションもどんどん歓迎していきたいです」。


The collaboration between DLX and UTmobI is a relationship beyond IIS. Professor Niino Toshiki, Deputy Director of the Design-Led X Platform, also expresses his expectation for the project.

“UTmobI's research resources are truly a treasure. While a typical notion of mobility design sounds steady and sometimes inflexible, with DLX, there is always a creative jump. While we have a DLX base in Kashiwa II Campus as well, since Kashiwa campus covers a diverse range of research fields, we would like to welcome new collaborations too.”

Many activities have been paused due to COVID-19, but recently university research is beginning to restart, and our research on the future of mobility is gearing up once again albeit under our ‘new normal’ conditions. We look forward to discussing further with you.


*このコンテンツは、一定期間を過ぎた後に他の媒体に掲出されることがございます。 * Please note that this content of this newsletter may appear on the DLX Design Lab website after a certain period.

September 18, 2020

Creative Director: Midori Yamazaki Editor: Mai Tsunoo Photographer: Timothée Lambrecq


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