3月3日(水)、5日(金)にAI x Gender online workshop with Design Thinking デザイン思考で考えるAIとジェンダー オンラインワークショップをDLXデザインラボと東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構B’AIグローバルフォーラム、東京大学Beyond AI研究推進機構、東京大学生産技術研究所DLX Design Lab、東京大学国際総合力認定制度 (Go Global Gateway)の共同の主催として開催されました。
デザインラボのペニントン教授とDLX デザインラボ/情報学環林香里研究室の特任研究員の左右田智美のイントロダクションの後に、インプットセッションとして、AIとジェンダーについての研究の最新の事例をAIとジェンダーとデザイン思考のプロセスについての研究発表を行いました。
登壇者は東京大学情報学環林研究室の林香里教授がジェンダーとAIについての人文科学研究視点からの発表、東京大学生産技術研究所の菅野研究室の菅野准教授からAIとマイノリティの科学側の研究発表を、デザイン思考や体験のデザインのプロセスについての研究発表を左右田が行いました。 デザインラボメンバーのファシリテーションの元、オンラインホワイトボード「MIRO」を用いてアイデアを具現化し、インプット、アイディエーションのプロセスを経て、最終的には具体的な解決策のイメージを発表。4時間という短時間ながら、社会からの孤独から脱却、自分がなりたい声質に変化できるツール、AIの力で平等に意思決定ができるようにするツール等、最終的には4つのチームが、様々な学生視点の新鮮なアイデアが生まれました。
AI x Gender Online Workshop with Design Thinking
The AI x Gender online workshop with Design Thinking was held on 3rd & 5th March 2021. The collaborators on this activity were DLX Design Lab; B’AI Global Forum at the Institute for AI and Beyond at The University of Tokyo, and the Go Global Gateway at The University of Tokyo (GGG).
The purpose of the workshop was to explore various issues surrounding AI and gender, and to come up with creative ideas on what we can do about them and realise a better future. The workshop was held as a part of the Go Global Gateway. It was held as an online workshop in English and 24 undergraduate students from The University of Tokyo's Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies participated.
After an introduction by Professor Pennington and Design Researcher Tomomi Sayuda at DLX Design Lab an input session was held about the latest research on AI and gender issues from both a humanities and a scientific point of view. Professor Kaori Hayashi at Hayashi Laboratory, gave a presentation on gender and AI from the perspective of humanities research. Then Associate Professor Sugano of the Institute of Industrial Science gave a presentation on the science side of AI and minorities. Finally Tomomi Sayuda gave a presentation on design thinking and the process of designing experiences.
DLX Design Lab team facilitated the event and student participants used the online whiteboard “MIRO" to record their ideas. Through the process of input and ideation, they finally presented their images of concrete solutions.
Despite the short time of only 4 hours, the four teams came up with fresh ideas from various perspectives, such as breaking away from social isolation; tools that allow you to change your voice to the one you want to be; and tools that allow you to make decisions equally with the power of AI.
At the end of the workshop, a general critique was given, and students who were new to the English environment and design thinking actively participated, creating an opportunity for future students to be active internationally.
